Flutter Setup

The first thing you need to do is to set your apiToken:

MPush.apiToken = 'YOuR_API_TOKEN';

Then you need to configure MPush with the callbacks that will be called when a notifcation arrives or is tapped and the android notification settings.

  onNotificationArrival: (notification) {
    print("Notification arrived: $notification");
  onNotificationTap: (notification) {
    print("Notification tapped: $notification");
  androidNotificationsSettings: MPAndroidNotificationsSettings(
    channelId: 'mpush_example',
    channelName: 'MPush Notifications',
    channelDescription: 'Push notification channel', 
    icon: '@mipmap/icon_notif',

To configure the Android part you need to pass a MPAndroidNotificationsSettings to the configure sections, it has 2 parameters:

  • channelId: the id of the channel

  • channelName: the name for the channel

  • channelDescription: the description for the channel

  • icon: the default icon for the notification, in the example application the icon is in the res folder as a mipmap, so it's adressed as @mipmap/icon_notif, iff the icon is a drawable use @drawable/icon_notif.

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